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finpx analyses plans for turnarounds, start-ups, and even new projects.

finpx finpx reports offer entrepreneurs, funders, and turnaround practitioners, the ability to: appoint an independent third party to confirm, collate, and convey the envisioned strategy in a set of interlocking reports to manage the risk associated with projects of this nature Use your own independent auditing firm or request the services of our partners, to ensure the best possible financial output

Working alongside auditors and CPAs, a finpx produces a fully verifiable integrated projection report that links assumptions to cash flow, projected financials, valuation and risk assessments

How finpx reduces errors in predictions

finpx reports are designed to minimise errors when making predictions, by reducing bias, calculation, measurement, and integrity errors. They highlight inconsistencies and anomalies.    
finpx reports use the VFC model to dynamically integrate historical performance and future predictions in a single report

finpx has partnered with flwpx to covert academic research into a smart publication that delivers dynamic reports which    
change the content and narrative as inputs changes.

The proprietary software that 
makes finpx reports happen